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CH N. Penn's Electric Magic CD RN JH NA NAJ CGC

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Zeppelin made his show debut in March 2005 at the Garden City Kennel Club Dog Show where  he was able to take Best of Breed for his first point!  His third weekend out Zeppelin was awarded Best of Opposite in Sweeps and Winners Dog at the Indian Nation Brittany Club Specialty for a 4 point major from the 9-12 month puppy class! At the Nebraska Brittany Club Specialty Show on October 7, 2006, Zeppelin won Best of Breed over specials to complete his show championship!!! 

Zeppelin loves to find birds!  He is a close ranging hunter who points and retrieves with the best of them.   Zeppelin earned his Junior Hunter title in April 2007 at the Southern Kansas Brittany Club Hunt Test.   

Zep loves to do obedience and agility.  Zep earned his Canine Good Citizen certification in March 2005 at 7 months of age.  He then when on to earn his Rally Novice (RN) title with a class placement and his Companion Dog (CD) title with a first place win.  Zep completed his Novice Agility Jumpers (NAJ) title and  his Novice Agility (NA) title in Spring 2009!

Zeppelin has been a good producer for us as well.  He is the sire of our  "Nellie", "Prairie" and "Axl" and the grand sire of our "Lolly", "Blossom",and "Katniss".

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